
Our plan is to stay the first three days in Iringa, visiting an orphanage, a secondary school, Tumaini university and the Diocese office. After that we will split up and visit our sister congregations. Clay, Ruth, Judy, and Denny will visit Pommern. Dean and Tracy will visit Ihimbo. We will worship at the village churches and we will also travel to many "preaching points" surrounding each village. Our goal is to let the people we meet know that they are loved and supported by people halfway around the world, and that we stand with them bega kwa bega, different in many ways but indistinguishable in God's grace and love.

Team Picture

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Tomorrow I leave for Tanzania.

God help me in my journey and keep my family safe and sane while I'm away.


1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking about you since yesterday....OK I thought of you before that but now I know that you have been in the air and soon arriving! Be safe on your walking trek up the mountain! Prayers are with you. We got a goft from church...I will tell you about it later!
